Radim kao freelancer u oblasti Arhitekture i Vizuelizacije, bavim se projektovanjem objekata, dizejnom enterijera i eksterijera, što podrazumeva izradu realističnih rendera, enterijera 3D osnova, eksterijera 3D modela sa okolinom. Na osnovu kreiranih 3D modela dobijate realističan prikaz budućih objekata. Moj portfolio možete pogledati na sledećem linku: https://www.behance.net/saradragova480
Pranje i farbanje crepa fasada pranje i ugradnja svih podnih i zidnih obloga dubinsko pranje namestaja prodaja i ugradnja itisona, parketa, laminata ,keramickih plocica i jos mnogo toga pozovite 0612595138
MAM.tek MAM.tek is a group of young architects, which their proffessional expirience and skills in the field of architecture design, interior design and 3d visualisation, gain since 2011. The basic concept of this group is based on creating unique ambients that are adjusted to the needs of an contemporary man. One of the things that can be noticed on every design is using of contemporary technologies. With their implementation in designs, we are trying to show importance of experimenting, designing various elements and their fitting in one compact product, with basic aspiration to achieve harmony of materials, colors and technologies. order to form a harmonious spaces, comfortable for living or work, with every new design we are trying to be very studious, using as a primary principle our clients needs. As we are aware of how contemporary people think, our approach is creative, but with a dose of reality that is necessary for projects to be realised. Parallel with solving of functional units within project, each design is checked in the 3D model, so that the client can at any time have a whole picture of our entire idea. So, in the end, we can say that the basic tendency of MAM.tek is a connection of different structural elements and experimenting with form and materials, responding to changes and improvement of social, cultural and technological scene of modern life. These processes are supported with using computer design in creating of architectural form.
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